Coreworks' FireWorks is a five-stage-pipeline, modified-32-bit-Harvard-architecture, featuring a high-speed programming interface and DSP instructions. The architecture includes a 32-bit ALU (arithmetic-logic unit) and 32x32-bit registers. You can configure it to include a hardware multiplier, a barrel shifter, and a serial divider. It supports external interrupt requests, data caches, and instruction caches. A DMA core is also available. FireWorks uses an AMBA (Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture)/AHB (Advanced High-Performance Bus) interface, into which you can plug in peripherals.
The FireWorks tool kit features a GNU assembler, a networked-programming tool and ELF (executable-and-linking-format)-conversion tools. The networked-programming tool enables a PC to program FireWorks over an LAN. The high-speed programming interface is accessible using the Core Access Networks infrastructure, which includes FaceWorks, a network-interface core, and the RAL (remote-access library), a software package for building remote data-exchange and -control applications for cores connected using this infrastructure. The FaceWorks core connects the FireWorks core to a host PC through a standard Ethernet interface, in which you can build a programming tool using the RAL to accelerate the development, prototyping, testing, and maintenance of applications and systems.